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Appointing a technology specialist?

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Working with a technology specialist can afford you an advanced level of sophistication and comfort but getting exactly what you want requires a little bit of forethought, here's a few things to consider before choosing the right technical contractor for your project.

Scope - clearly define what the outcomes are that you need and want. Split the list into three categories; Absolute Must Haves, Things we would certainly appreciate, Less important but great if we can. - ask your specialist for a chat to see how your goals fit with the technical scope and the overall project.

Usage - who, when, how will the system be used. The technical specialist should be asking how many people will use the system? What is their approximate age? What kind of Content do they watch and listen to? How often do they use the system? - to provide the best solution all these and more questions need to be answered so that the correct specification and selection of equipment can be made.

budget - what is realistic vs. what is more important. You should be able to get some example costings from your proposed integrated systems installer. An example system serves the purpose of keeping both parties within the ballpark of possibility and realm of reality. It will not be an exact fit but a starting point for adjustment via discussion. If your budget is stretched focus on getting a good quality foundation that can be built upon rather than trying to cut corners in an attempt to get everything.

scalability - can you / is there a need to expand the system in the future? Sometimes not much expandability is necessary, but at other times a project evolves immensely over time and the infrastructure needs varying levels of reinvention. A good technology integrator will use a measured balance of headroom and expandability to allow for unknown possible expansion. The more you know and can discuss with your tech specialist, the more accurate this approximation will be and greater dividends paid further down the line.

longevity to maximise your investment, the system must last long.... to last long it needs to be maintained, to be maintained it needs to be well documented and well built to begin with. There really is no substitute for good planning and comprehensive documentation, all technology needs a level of maintenance and the best system designers will allow for this at the planning stage by implementing serviceable equipment in accessible locations.

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