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Audio Visual Design Pack

Which audio visual systems do I need? tailored technical guidance/Q&A

1 h
745 British pounds
Cornwall Road

Service Description

With home entertainment more popular than ever before, you need to get the latest low-down and find the best solution for your audio visual needs. Home work or play, we can advise and document the best and right system solution for your AV project and desired outcomes . 45 Min, video consultation and fact find, followed by document pack including design brief, system solution overview, wiring plan and additional recommendations. The fact find is required during the checkout, then you can choose a date for the video consultation - we'll remind you of the date in advance: We'll also support you going forward by offering 3 design revisions, as built documentation, telephone support and an approved supplier and installer list. Whatever your AV needs we can plan it so it will deliver the best possible results for you: * Distributed Audio and Video * Audio Visual Control Systems * CCTV * Eco/Smart Homes * Home Cinema * Cabling Infrastructure * Boardrooms and conferencing systems * Music studios, Production environments * PA, stage technology and commercial sound systems What's in the pack? * video call consultation * design documentation & schematic * installation & equipment schedules * technical overview * recommendations * service and supplier list * power consumption calculation Who is it for? Typically our clients are home owners, business owners, architects, home builders, property developers, technical professionals, corporate organisations and production professionals. Still got questions? - call now before booking 020 8421 0757

Contact Details

  • Teksclusive Ltd., Cornwall Road, Pinner, UK

Anchor 1

020 8421 0757

London | England

©2022 Teksclusive Ltd.

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